The Weekly Vlog

Diet Mentality Sep 11, 2024

A Bright Lifer wrote in to ask about “diet mentality.” Diet mentality is when you focus on weight loss to...

A Sugar Addict with No Weight To Lose Sep 04, 2024

Today’s topic is a great one, and I’ll follow it with an announcement. A woman wrote: “I am...

Behind the Scenes with ON THIS BRIGHT DAY Aug 28, 2024

I’ve been waiting to do this vlog for months! 

A few months ago, someone wrote in about the book, ON THIS...

Bunny Slipper Mantras Aug 21, 2024

I’ve been sharing a great deal about anniversaries lately, and today I have another one: it’s nine years...

30 Years of Coin Flips Aug 14, 2024

On Friday, August 9, I celebrated 30 years clean and sober. When I lay in bed that morning, I felt suspended in time:...

BLE’s 10-Year Birthday Celebration Aug 07, 2024

This week marks the 10-year anniversary celebration of Bright Line Eating. The conception of BLE was on January 26,...

Freedom from Bondage Jul 31, 2024

A Bright Lifer wrote in with an interesting observation. She said, “One of my buddies told me recently that she...

Do You Have to Binge to be a Real Food Addict? Jul 24, 2024

Here in the U.S., we’re in the middle of summer. There are picnics and parties and food all around us....

Success After Countless Attempts Jul 17, 2024

Someone wrote in with the following: “Have you ever seen people succeed after returning to Bright Line Eating...

The Lorax Jul 10, 2024

Recently, a wonderful Bright Lifer in California sent me a stuffed Lorax. If you’re not familiar with him, he...

5 Thoughts Upon Turning 50 Jul 03, 2024

I just turned 50! And I have five thoughts on this milestone birthday.

But first, I have some news: we’ve sold...

Recap on IFACC in London Jun 26, 2024

I am so excited to share with you a recap of my amazing time in London last month for the International Food...
