The Weekly Vlog

Marijuana Feb 09, 2022

One of the Bright Line Eating coaches recently suggested that I shoot a Vlog on marijuana because there are...

Comments on Our Weight Feb 02, 2022

I’ve been a regular at a local Thai restaurant for over 20 years now, and, more than once, a waitress who...

None Is Easier Than Some Jan 26, 2022

The other day, I was out to dinner with one of my kiddos, and after we ordered, a bunch of NMF (Not My Food) was...

Languishing Jan 19, 2022

As 2022 began, I saw a prompt online from the New York Times asking me if I wanted to see the most-read articles...

Optimize Your Purpose Jan 12, 2022

When people do Bright Line Eating, we aim for them to lock into a rhythm of eating that helps them lose their...

Food Policy and BLE’s First Op-Ed Jan 05, 2022

Welcome to the first Vlog of 2022! This year, I’m committed to being more publicly vocal about topics like...

REZOOM IS HERE!!! Dec 28, 2021

The Vlog is early this week because today is a very special occasion.

Today is the publication day of BLE’s...

Creative “No, Thank Yous” Dec 22, 2021

It’s been a long year, and we’re in the midst of the holiday season right now in many parts of the...

Substance and Process Addiction Dec 15, 2021


In this week’s Vlog, I share a really sweet story along with a very important addition to the BLE...

Effective Surrender Dec 08, 2021

In this week’s Vlog, I wanted to cover a topic brought up on a recent Bright Lifers’ Daily...

The Legacy of BLE Giving Dec 01, 2021

This is a Vlog that I’ve been waiting to shoot for a long time, and it relates to the questions that I get...

Bright Holiday Toolkit Nov 24, 2021

It’s that time of year again! We’re heading into the holiday season, and in this week’s Vlog, I...
