The Weekly Vlog

Can Food Actually Be Addictive? Jul 14, 2021

People often have questions or feel resistance when the topic of food addiction comes up, and in this week’s Vlog, I add...

Natural Flavors Jul 07, 2021

I’ve covered the topic of refined sugar extensively over the years, but what I haven’t talked about is the idea of “natu...

How Sunlight Suppresses Appetite Jun 30, 2021

I was in New York City with one of my kids this past weekend, and the trip reminded me of a piece of science that

Does Bright Line Eating Get Easier? Jun 23, 2021

Here at Bright Line Eating, we just wrapped up the Food Freedom launch and welcomed a whole new cohort of Boot Cam

The Science of Eating What You Committed Jun 16, 2021

On a recent Facebook Live session, I was asked a question that I thought would be a fantastic topic for this week’

Can You Eat Fruit on Bright Line Eating? Jun 09, 2021

Right now, at the time of shooting this video, we’re in the middle of the Food Freedom Masterclass Series launch.

Moderators vs. Abstainers Jun 02, 2021

Gretchen Rubin, the author of The Happiness Project, among many other fantastic books, wrote in her blog about the

Reverse Engineering BLE May 26, 2021

What do famous writer/director Judd Apatow and your Bright Line Eating journey have in common? Watch this week’s V

Too Much Support May 19, 2021

In this week’s Vlog, I tackle a complicated question: is it possible to have too much support in Bright Line Eatin

Tampering May 12, 2021

In this week’s Vlog, I talk about a concept that every single one of us will likely experience at some point in ou

What Chewing Does for You May 05, 2021

In this week’s Vlog, I talk about something many of us might take for granted: chewing. I discuss its impact on ou

Food Waste Apr 28, 2021

I just learned something and I’m so excited to share it with you, because I think it relates to our Bright Line Ea
