The Weekly Vlog

Developing an Addiction Jan 27, 2021

Sometimes I find myself wondering why people develop addictions to certain things and not others. There’s so much

Automaticity and Self-Care Jan 20, 2021

Right now, I’m in a cabin in the middle of nowhere in upstate New York on a writer’s retreat where I’m putting the

4 Things You Might Not Know About the Book Jan 13, 2021

This week’s Vlog is special because we’re celebrating the first Bright Line Eating book being published in paperba

Handling Food Cravings Successfully Jan 06, 2021

I know that we have a lot of people starting or Rezooming Bright Line Eating right now, because that’s how this ti

2020 Into 2021 Dec 30, 2020

It’s the last Vlog of 2020. How does one encapsulate such a year? Sometimes when I’m about to record a Vlog like t

Enjoying Our Food Dec 23, 2020

I was doing a Facebook Live session recently, and someone asked me a very interesting question. They wanted to kno

Co-Regulation Dec 16, 2020

One of the things I do here at Bright Line Eating is keep my finger on the pulse of our community and collect data

Acceptance Dec 09, 2020

I just got my laptop out and searched all the Bright Line Eating Vlogs that I’ve shot, and I was shocked to discov

Pick Your Sad Dec 02, 2020

A short while ago, I was talking to a Bright Liner and she shared a really powerful awareness that she’d recently

Thanks and Giving Nov 25, 2020

In America, it’s the day before Thanksgiving, and for this week’s Vlog, I want to talk about a topic that is relev

Languaging Our “No, Thank You” Nov 18, 2020

This week, I’m bringing the Vlog to you from a special location, but you won’t be hearing much from me. We asked o

Addiction, Deceit, and Denial Nov 11, 2020

Thanksgiving is fast approaching here in America, and this year is probably going to look a little (or a lot) diff
