Two or three times a year I open registration for the Bright Line Eating™ Boot Camp.
It’s an 8-week crash course on using the Bright Line Eating™ System to get Happy, Thin, and Free™.
It’s happening right now.
Yup, registration is open.
But only until Thursday night, June 4th, at midnight Pacific Time.
Just one more day.
Opening registration is the most intense, crazy, rewarding thing I do all year. In just a few short days I field questions from hordes of people all over the world. I also welcome hundreds of new people into the Bright Line Eating™ community, and catch fire with their hope, nervousness, and buzz.
It’s a little like herding cats.
Drunk, wildly excited cats.
I don’t do the herding by myself. My rock-star team works overtime, too, right beside me every step of the way.
I typically offer at least one webinar (sometimes two, three, or four) while registration is open, because a webinar is an incredible vehicle for explaining what’s broken with our current conception of how to lose weight and all the science behind what makes the Bright Line Eating™ System different. But the webinars keep me up late at night, and jack me up with so much energy that I can’t fall asleep for hours after that.
It’s a perfect recipe for what I’m in right now, which is a state of blissful exhaustion and desperate mind fog.
Ten minutes ago, I found myself poking through my email database and making sure the first name of every contact in there is appropriately capitalized.
Right now there are 8,527 contacts in my database.
Why are you doing that? Someone on my team asked.
Dunno, I answered. Maybe it’s something my brain decided it can handle.
Find a lower-case letter. Change it to a capital letter.
Perfect job for me right now.
Suffice it to say, I’m in no shape to publish a grand-slam blog for you this week.
But I committed, on January 1st, to put out a blog, on blog day, every week this year. It’s nearly mid-year now, and I haven’t missed a week.
So here I am, typing.
I think there’s a lesson here.
I learned this behavior from Bright Line Eating™.
Before Bright Line Eating™ I was the consummate procrastinator.
Why do now what I can so easily put off for later?
Or, I’ll do that….so soon….I’ll just have a little something to eat first.
Like Winnie the Pooh.
“A little something would be nice.”
Bright Line Eating™ made me COMMIT in advance to what I was going to eat the next day.
Suddenly I was held accountable.
And everything changed.
I’m still accountable.
Last night, in the wee hours of the morning (I literally think it was 3:30 a.m.), I wrote down what I was going to eat today.
As I put myself to bed, I wrote in my Five Year Journal and filled out my Nightly Checklist Sheet.
I brushed and flossed my teeth.
After fewer than 4 hours of sleep, I arose for the day.
(Had to. Kids.)
Now I’m writing my blog.
This is not me.
This is not my inborn constitution.
I am not the woman who sticks with her commitments and feels an internal pull to get something done, just because she said she would.
Not naturally, anyway.
But because I’ve been doing Bright Line Eating™ for 12 years, I am now that woman.
I have watched myself keep my commitments, maybe not all the time, but darn near close, for all those years, and I now know myself to be a woman of integrity.
I also have automatic habits in place that support me in getting done nearly everything that’s important to me.
Bright Line Eating™ taught me that, too.
It all starts with the food.
If you want to learn how to BE the person who EATS WELL NO MATTER WHAT, and who SUITS UP AND SHOWS UP under virtually all circumstances, Bright Line Eating™ will get you there.
If you want to learn more about what I’m talking about, come join me on the final webinar tomorrow night.
Date: Thursday, June 4th, 2015
Time: 5:30 p.m. Pacific / 8:30 p.m. Eastern
Title: The ONE HUGE MISTAKE That BLOCKS Weight Loss
To Register: Click here
Registration for the Boot Camp closes at Midnight Pacific Time that night, so it’s now or never. If you’re not interested in the Boot Camp, the webinar will still be worth your time. The first 90 minutes will cover the psychology and neuroscience of sustainable weight loss (and the one huge mistake everyone’s making that keeps them from losing weight). You can hop off after that.
So. That’s it for me this week. I show up here, week in and week out, and give you what’s real, as I live this Bright Line Eating™ journey.
Because really, that’s all I’ve got.
With love,
P.S. — Thank you for all your effusive, supportive, GORGEOUS messages. Hundreds of you have reached out to me to express your appreciation, and I can’t tell you what it means to me to hear from you. (((((((((HUG)))))))))