This week, the VLOG comes to you from the gorgeous Opera House in Oslo, Norway. I’m joined by six Bright Lifers from Norway, England, and Romania…
I asked them whether working the Bright Line Eating™ program is different in a country other than the USA. Join us to hear their response, as well as an update on the Norwegian book launch (go Irina!!!) and the state of the BLE movement around the world.
P.S. – True story: at the end of the video, when the camera had just been turned off, two of them said, “Wait, was I just in a video that’s going to be seen by thousands of people? Was the camera not just on you?” A mild panic/laughing attack ensued. Had they known they were in the shot the whole time, they might not have had the guts to follow through. Sometimes what we don’t know can’t hurt us. 🙂
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