The Weekly Vlog

Diet Mentality

Sep 11, 2024

A Bright Lifer wrote in to ask about “diet mentality.” Diet mentality is when you focus on weight loss to the exclusion of the rest of who you are. When you fully embrace the Bright Life, you are looking at not just the physical side of weight loss, but also at the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. In this vlog, I break down what that looks like and how you can do it.

Click here to listen to this episode on Bright Line Living™ - The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast.

Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. is a New York Times bestselling author and an expert in the psychology and neuroscience of eating.  Susan is the Founder and CEO of Bright Line Eating®, a scientifically grounded program that teaches you a simple process for getting your brain on board so you can finally find freedom from food.

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