Susan Peirce Thompson:
Hey there, it's Susan Peirce Thompson, and welcome to The Weekly Vlog. So, today is the day. It is the day of the publication of ON THIS BRIGHT DAY. That's why we're releasing the vlog on Tuesday, which we never do except when a book gets published because books are always published on Tuesday. We've been looking forward to this day for a long time, and all week this week is going to be exciting stuff about the book in Bright Line Eating¨ land. I know a lot of you have waited to get the book until it's actually published, so now is the time to get the book. You can go to a store near you, and you will find the book, ON THIS BRIGHT DAY: A YEAR OF REFLECTIONS FOR LASTING FOOD FREEDOM. So, so sweet.
Go in person to get the book in a bookstore. That is a really good idea. I know that the New York Times cares about that. They're old school, they really like the thought of people going to bookstores. Go check it out, see if the book is in your local bookstore and get it.
We have a hashtag we're using all week this week. It's #OnThisBrightDay. Take a picture, take a selfie of yourself with the book in a bookstore and put it on social. Make it fun, make it cute. As a matter of fact, if you're really creative somehow, and my social team notices it or, I notice it, we might do something special for you. Just saying. Get your amazing hashtags out there on social media, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, X, I guess, is the new name of Twitter, #OnThisBrightDay. We'll be looking on those platforms for you.
As a matter of fact, if you use #OnThisBrightDay on Instagram, your post gets put right onto our book bonus page, which is That's where you can go to enter your receipt number and get all manner of amazing bonuses. Things like a special video that I've made for you with a behind the scenes peak at the audiobook recording, which was quite unusual this year. I won't spoil it for you, but yeah, that's worth watching. Some bookmarks that you can download and print out and use for your favorite entries in the book or other books that, it's just always good to have a good bookmark, right? And what else? Oh, my personal recommended for you, ideal weight-loss menu for a whole week. Meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a whole week, whether you're plant-based or omnivore, I've got you covered because it's two different versions. You want to know what I think someone should be eating for maximal health, maximal weight loss, and you can just use that food plan, wash, rinse, repeat week over week over week over week if you want to. Other bonuses too, including the people who buy the most books will get to come visit me in Rochester, New York. We'll craft a custom visit together. All of that is at on... And more. There's a lot more at and the contest is ending this weekend. Go ahead and look. You can click on the leaderboard there. There's a link to the leaderboard to see who's in the lead. In terms of what people spend on a vacation, it's not inconceivable that just with the cost of a vacation, you could be coming to visit me in Rochester, New York, which would be super fun.
Basically, to celebrate the release of the book this week, I just want to make it a community event. So, I've talked with some people that I don't think you've met before. Maybe some of them you have, but a lot of them I don't think you have. I just wanted to talk with them a little bit about the book, about themselves. So, check it out. All right, everyone, I'm here with my dear friend Kathy Cox. Kathy, how do we know each other?
Kathy Cox:
We met in graduate school at the University of Rochester. We were not in the same program, but we met in a graduate student women support group. And for some reason, of all the people in that group, you and I just clicked and have been great friends ever since.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
We finished our doctoral dissertations at the dining room table during the same month. We finished up and defended within a couple days of each other and graduated at the same time with our PhDs. It was so fun. So, we've both been on a food journey. You've been on a food journey and now you're in Bright Line Eating.
Kathy Cox:
So, what I remember most about our food journey is you were in Australia doing your postdoc and I was still in Rochester, and I called you one day, and I was just at my wit's end. I just couldn't stop eating and I felt horrible and my weight was way up. And you told me to go to a 12 step program and I did, and it was fabulous. And you and I were in that program together for quite a long time before you started Bright Line Eating.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
And so why did you go from there to Bright Line Eating and what do you think about Bright Line Eating? How is it different?
Kathy Cox:
Yeah, I quit that program before you started Bright Line Eating, and I was just floundering, of course. I'm the kind of food addict that needs some support, but that program was a little too, I guess, punitive might be a good word. I always felt like it, things were a little harsh. If I blew it and ate something, there were consequences that I thought were a little harsh. I started Bright Line Eating pretty much when you started it. What I find different about Bright Line Eating is, it's such positive support. It's such a loving, positive support.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
You and I are in a Mastermind group together and we call it Mastermind Mavens. We have the Magnificent Mavens Mastermind Group because I love alliteration, the Magnificent Mavens Mastermind Group. And we've been together now for over eight years in that group meeting faithfully once a week for two hours, and we pretty much never miss. And what's it like being in that group? What does it mean to you? Some stuff has come down for you in that group, if you're willing to share.
Kathy Cox:
Not too long, maybe a year, maybe two years in, I lost my fiancŽ, and he committed suicide. I found him, and it was by far the most traumatic experience in my life. And I remember getting on the call and I know I texted Susan and Linden and said, "Oh my gosh, John is dead." But I remember getting on that call and they said, "You can have the whole time." It took me a couple of years to recover from that, and I talked about it for two years, and whenever I talked about it, they would say, "You can talk all you want." I'd feel like, oh, I'm talking about this again. They'd be like, "No, you can talk about it all you want." They would give me feedback and yeah, I don't know where I would've been without that kind of support. I already felt so close to, that you were the first people I contacted and let you know. Wow. Yeah, that does blow my mind, but I'm not very good at time.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
You got the book because I got three cases of books, which is 36 books, and I sent them out to my Mastermind Mavens and to the Bright Line Eating team members and to my family and to the Bright Line Eating ambassadors. That's where I distributed those books to early. The book is published today. This vlog is going to come out exactly on publication day. Tell people about this book. What do you think about this book?
Kathy Cox:
I love it. Yeah, I ordered a copy, of course, right away, and I ordered one on Audible and then this one came in the mail. She inscribed it. Okay, so I've been in Bright Line Eating since its inception, but I have to say, I kind of feel like I'm on the fringes, even though I talk to Susan every week. I'm kind of in and out and I don't manage to stay Bright all the time. I have a lot of slips, especially when I travel. And I think the one reason why I'm not a stronger Bright Line Eater is because I don't always utilize the support that's offered to us. And so, for me to have something to kind of get that Bright Line Eating message every morning is really valuable. I've had this for, I'll probably be wrong, a couple weeks now.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Something like that, yeah.
Kathy Cox:
Yeah. I do have a good meditation practice. I think meditation is super, super, super important. And so, to sort of link that meditation practice to a message from Bright Line Eating every morning is really great. It's really great.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Do you have a memory? Do you have a story of one that just really impacted you, that was what you needed to hear, or?
Kathy Cox:
Yeah, there was one just a few days ago about numbing. How we sort of numb out. I do that, and if I'm not eating, I'll find another way to do it, like watching TV or something. I think I've been in that a little more than usual lately. When I read that, I just went, yeah, the way we try to escape from our feelings or the stress of our lives. That was just a great reminder. Great reminder. A great reminder to find a better way, like a nice hot bath or something instead of food or for me, even TV watching or shopping or other things that could be ways to escape.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Oh, so sweet, Kathy. Thank you for joining me. Yay! I know this is way, way, way out of your comfort zone, so thank you for doing this. I'm sure everyone loves meeting you. Thank you, Kathy.
Kathy Cox:
Thank you.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Hey, Angela.
Angela Denby:
Susan Peirce Thompson:
You are the head of graphic design at Bright Line Eating.
Angela Denby:
Yes, I am.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
You do a lot of tech stuff too. You're amazing to work with.
Angela Denby:
Thank you.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
You are responsible for how great this book looks, and people always talk about how good it feels in their hands and how they love the look of it. Thank you for the amazing design of this book.
Angela Denby:
Well, thank you for the compliment. I just love how it turned out.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Yeah, right. You've got one and are you enjoying it?
Angela Denby:
So much! You know what? It's just so nice to be able to start the day. It's a quick positive reminder of setting the framework for the day. And it's just been amazing. I've been reading it now since you sent it to me, I think a couple of weeks now. It's just been really nice, just really positive. This time of year, when it starts to, starts to become fall around here and it's just nice to have that little positive something to start the day every day.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Totally. And you do Bright Line Eating. You don't just work for Bright Line Eating, you do Bright Line Eating.
Angela Denby:
That's right. Five years.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Five years. Oh my gosh. You're living your Bright Transformation. It's amazing.
Angela Denby:
Yeah, and it's so interesting, life. It's been a rollercoaster because I went through a pregnancy, through COVID, stayed Bright, just really interesting, all of the ups and downs and the little things that you have to change along the way, but it's just been great for me. I can't imagine, it's just hard to imagine that I lived any other way.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Last question. Why do you think it's important that this book is out in the world?
Angela Denby:
Oh gosh. I mean, to be honest, any source of positivity that you can get into your day-to-day I just think is so important. Different people find different tools, but for me, I am a busy mom. I've got a three-year-old. I don't have a lot of time to really incorporate a lot of different tools into my life right now. This is just an easy, quick, positive way to start the day. I've just been really enjoying it. So, I think there are probably other people, busy people out there with all kinds of things they need to do. It's really helpful to have just a little something that you do every single morning or whatever time of day.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
All right. Hi everyone. We are here with a bunch of folks in the United Kingdom. Hello. Who have we got here? Introduce yourselves.
Sue Smith:
Hi, Susan. Welcome. Thank you for inviting us. It's a privilege and a pleasure to be here with you. My name's Sue Smith. I'm almost seven years in Bright Line Eating. I've lost, well, I'm maintaining for that seven years, give or take six months, which it took me to lose the weight, I'm maintaining 110 pound weight loss.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Oh, wow. Wow. And where are you in the world, Sue?
Sue Smith:
So, I'm in Staffordshire in the UK. I'm in a tiny little, small little town called Burton Upon Trent, which this past couple of days has been a little bit like an island because we've had floods, bad floods in the UK. It's been a bit interesting.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Thank you, Sue. And Glynis.
Glynis Roberts:
Hi, Susan. Hi, everybody. My name's Glynis Roberts. I'm from Wales in the UK. I started Bright Line Eating four years ago, actually four years ago next week. I've lost around about a 190 pounds. So I kept on very, very big numbers. And Bright Line Eating has saved my life.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Thank you so much, Glynis. Amazing. Amazing. All right, Lisa.
Lisa Blackwell:
Hi, I'm Lisa Blackwell and I am in Sussex not far from Gatwick, which the most people know is a London airport, but it's not really London. I am four years tomorrow, I think, that I started Bright Line Eating. I've had some ups and downs. I did lose 70 pounds and I've never gone far away. I am back here in Boot Camp 2.0, sitting down and coming all the way in.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Beautiful. Welcome back, Lisa. So glad you're doubling down and just really about to just explode with joy in Boot Camp 2.0. It's going to be so good. Yay! All right. And Katie.
Katie Lopez:
Hi there. Hi, everybody. I swear I just saw this gang this morning on our call. So yeah, my name is Katie Lopez. I'm originally from the United States. I've been in Littlebury, UK, which is in Essex, just over one year. I've been in Bright Line Eating almost seven years. And I've had kind of a curly cue journey as well, like Lisa. And just learning from every minute of it.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
So sweet. So sweet. You all meet, you do your own little Accountability Call in the mornings at 7:30 in the morning, UK time. You don't have the book, ON THIS BRIGHT DAY, yet. But you downloaded the pages of it from the bonus, right? You've got it on your phone right there. Love it. How are you using it?
Sue Smith:
So, we, because in the UK, because of the time differences, and we all appreciate this, we don't necessarily get to speak to anybody on the kind of Accountability Call live throughout the day. We can listen to the morning Accountability Call at lunchtime, where it's often we're working or there's other things going on. So, a lot of us can't get to that morning Accountability Call. So, we do our own version of it in the morning or in the evening, whichever, which is a regular occurrence now. We do it every single day. We're always there. And there's always varying different people with us, and we just go through the questions, the accountability questions. We take a minute to breathe and just relax. We read the ON THIS BRIGHT DAY Daily Reader, and we just get so much, so much out of it. So much out of it both ways actually. We get stuff out of it, so yeah.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
So sweet. And Chris Riley is here. Should I admit Chris?
Lisa Blackwell:
Sue Smith:
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Chris, could you share your full name and where you are in the world?
Chris Riley:
Yeah, yeah. Oh right, yeah. So, Chris Riley and I live in Shropshire in the West Midlands in the UK.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Nice. And in a sentence or two, tell us about your Bright Line Eating journey.
Chris Riley:
So, I have been doing BLE for a year. I lost weight pretty quickly. I did Boot Camp last year and basically lost all my weight in about three months, so about 55 pounds. Then was in Maintenance for about two minutes and then went basically straight the other way.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Gained it right back.
Chris Riley:
What was that? Sorry?
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Gained it right back?
Chris Riley:
Well, about half of it, but I just started binging quite badly. So, it was this kind of off on ditch. And then, yeah, really I've just been trying to find ways of getting out of the ditch since. Then I've Rezoomedª, so I'm on day 42 of my resume. I'm on a really good stretch at the moment and everything's sort of sticking and a lot of the things that I learned while I was in a ditch are just absolutely invaluable. The learning how to be compassionate with myself when I was in that really bad place is now proving, I think that was the key for me, really.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
So, does anyone want to share, why do you think it's important that this book is out in the world? What difference does it make for you or for others?
Katie Lopez:
I think that when we first started, I used, not the blue book of AA, but their Daily Reader. And it was really helpful, but I always had to kind of superimpose Bright Line Eating onto it. I feel like with THIS BRIGHT DAY, it's just for us and very specific to the tools that are available to us and very specific to the community and what we go through, that maybe is different than a general book from AA.
Sue Smith:
What I've loved about the PDF of the book and the pages that we've got is the introduction where you talk about day by day will feel a little bit better. Day by day it gets easier. Day by day the world gets brighter. And I would say day by day the friendships we develop get stronger and stronger and stronger. Particularly with this group, with this call. We are like family. All of us are like family. BLE is the biggest family I've known and I adore every single person in BLE.
Lisa Blackwell:
Yeah, Susan. We've had so many times where we have had a conversation, we are doing the reading for the day, and it is like wham, the perfect reading, just what we need to hear. And yeah, it moves us. It deepens our friendships because it supports us in having deeper conversations and also just that reflection that comes from, and feeling, I suppose, we feel part of the bigger Bright Line Eating community, even though we're here in the UK when we read it and it reaches right out to us. It's like we are part and you know us and we know you and we're all in it together. I think it really brings us together. So yeah, it has been amazing.
Glynis Roberts:
Susan, I caught COVID in a hospital and found out that I had autoimmune disease and the consultant said to me, if I hadn't, because I've lost a substantial amount of weight, I would've died. So, I didn't. I'm alive. Alive. And to share and pass on the love and anybody that I can find, I tell about Bright Line Eating.
Sue Smith:
We are just so grateful to you. We would love for you to come over and visit. And just be with us and just feel the love in person that we have for you.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Hi, Dorie. Hi, Dorie.
Hi. I just want to...
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Where are you in the world, my dear?
I'm in Charleston, South Carolina.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Nice. And tell us about your Bright journey.
Yes. Oh my goodness. Well, it's a special moment right now. You realize, I'm about to tell you something. So, this is my BLE anniversary.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Today? Happy anniversary. How many years?
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Four years. And you're rocking your Bright transformation. How much weight have you shed and you're just rocking it?
Oh my goodness, yes. My highest weight, I was 200 and my start weight was probably about 167-ish. I had already sort of started, but it was a lot of up and down, up and down and I was like this, nothing is working. And then of course comes in, Bright Line Eating comes in your email into my mailbox. And then, it was a year, one full year, same weekend anniversary, one year later, got on the scale and it was 119. I was just like, "What?" So that first year was, of course, I know. To just recount that experience is just, there was silence. There was silence. I was like, wait a minute, could this be? What's happening? I got off, I got back on. Because I was like, pinch me.
I took a picture of the scale, and I was just, there was so much silence, and I was really trying to pinpoint what that silence was. There was so much, I was, it was silence, emotional silence, but it was also silence because it was peace. It was peace. I was just, what is this newfound feeling of peace and serenity in getting on and wow, and getting off and just being, I'm here. I really needed time to sit with that. That was a brand new feeling. It was a brand new reality of just trusting that. Trusting my Bright Line Eating, trusting the scale.
I had already began to trust it halfway through the journey already. Every year, Bright Line Eating birthday or Bright Line Eating anniversary has become so important because I do a Boot Camp on every single anniversary. Every single anniversary I do. It's sort of my way of being, this is my ritual, it's my ritual. And so it's so beautiful to just stand here today and say it's four years now. Here we have another anniversary, here we have another Boot Camp starting. Here we have, just those things. I think that's so important.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
And the book, ON THIS BRIGHT DAY, tell us about the book in your life.
Yeah, well, I love it. I really, really do love it. First, just aesthetics. I love the size. I think it'll fit great in my suitcase because I travel often. I love that it's hard copy because it protects these precious pages. Today the word is kindness. And so, to have this to set up a day, but also to carry the kindness word through the day and apply it. Just the one word, even alone, would just make such a difference. So, when I write in my journal, or when I eat each meal, I'll think about the word, kindness. What type of kindness needed to happen to get that food on my plate from farm to table? What kind of kindness can I extend out into the world, even if I'm feeling not so great?
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Can you open the book and read the mantra at the bottom of the page?
Yes. I act from kindness, especially toward myself.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Especially toward myself, right? The whole page is kind of about, we think of kindness as like, oh yeah, I'm so kind. Great. This is easy. Oh no, it's about kindness to myself. That's harder.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
So sweet to be with you. Happy Bright Line Eating birthday or as we say, BLErthday.
BLErthday. It is my BLErthday. Yes, it is. Yes. And it's Food Factory Day. So, my husband's off onto the side. I said, "Honey, can you make these two things?" And I'll hit you back and I'll make the other things. So, we're actually team working it today.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Nice. Oh, go enjoy Food Factory. So sweet, my dear. So much love.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Bye now. Hi, Simone.
Simone Simms:
Hi, Susan. How are you?
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Hi, I'm good. How are you?
Simone Simms:
I'm doing good, thank you.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
You got a little kiddo there?
Simone Simms:
Yes. Oh, and as soon as, oh, here comes the other one. Soon as he heard me talking, he's going to start crawling over here. Are you waving? Say, ÒHi.Ó
Susan Peirce Thompson:
So, Simone has twin one-year olds. It's something I know a little bit about, but it's been 14 years since I had twin one-year olds.
Simone Simms:
A little bit of a difference, huh?
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Yep. That's Naomi. And we got Drake coming into the scene here soon.
Simone Simms:
Yes, here he comes.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Handsome kiddo there, precious babies. Simone, you work for Bright Line Eating. Tell everyone what you do.
Simone Simms:
Yes. I am the manager for the Customer Support team. I've been with Bright Line Eating since 2015, and I've been doing Customer Support Manager since 2017. I started, well, you were my professor, so that's how it all started. In body image eating, psychology of body image eating. You said, "Why don't you just try this? You can either write a 12-page paper or try this food plan and tell me how it works." So, I chose the food plan, because I didn't want to write a 12-page paper, and I lost weight. I was like, "Oh my gosh." Here I am after I found you later and started working for you, did the program, everything. And yeah, so that's how I found my way to Bright Line Eating.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Yeah, totally.
Simone Simms:
Sorry. I think you know, when you have two babies, you're like, "Wait, what was I talking about again? What was I mentioning?"
Susan Peirce Thompson:
The book.
Simone Simms:
Yes, the book. I brought it out here. Look how pretty this is. I just love it. I keep it by my bed. I am a morning reader, usually. Sometimes I use it at night if I need to, but I have found that it's a new great tool. I have my up and down moments, so it's really helpful to have a reminder of doing everything just one day at a time. Just like you read one day at a time, you just take everything one day at a time. It has helped me feel like my journey is something that I can take as it comes. It's not something that I have to think about and oh my gosh, forever and blah, blah. It's hard to think that way.
Having this book has been a really great tool for me. We don't so much get to read it together at bedtime or anything, but I really, really am so excited that we have something that, I'm a daily reader person, so I'm just really glad that I have something now that is for Bright Line Eating, specifically. Yeah, say, "We like reading." Say, "I love books." You're gentle with books. He'll open the cover. He'll look at it. But he won't, he's not a...You want to show how you read a book? Show how you read a book. So gentle. Yeah, it's pretty.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Thank you, Simone.
Simone Simms:
See you later.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Simone Simms:
Susan Peirce Thompson:
We have Beth and Tony Wade with us. And Beth is the one who crocheted Grogu here, who's my little special guest on so many Zooms that I do. Hey, you two.
Tony Wade:
Well, I started in 2019. I was 381 pounds, and that was in May of 2019. By May of 2020 I was into Maintenance. I had lost about 150 pounds and I went from a size 56 waist pants to a 36 waist pants, to a four X shirt to a one X shirt. But besides all that, I got peace of mind, which I didn't come here for.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Amazing. And Beth?
Beth Wade:
I did not start when he did. I was waiting until I was ready from inside me. I started the 1st of July in 2020. And by October, September, October the next year, I was in the weight range I'm at now. Lost around a hundred pounds. But for me, the biggest thing was the clear mind. Not just the peace of mind around my food, but just being able to think more clearly. I was able to drop one of my two meds for depression. For the past two-and-a-half years, I've had no depressive episodes at all. That's after my entire adult life and most of my childhood suffering from clinical depression. So, for me, that's the biggest.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Priceless, literally priceless. What's your experience with the book, ON THIS BRIGHT DAY?
Tony Wade:
Susan Peirce Thompson:
Tony Wade:
Don't take it personally. As soon as I heard about it, of course, I ordered it, but I like to experience it in the moment. I like the anticipation of it. Get it? I don't even watch movie trailers. I don't want to know anything. When I go to see a play or something, I don't want to read a synopsis of what's the story's about. I want it to unfold before my eyes. That's kind of what I'm looking for when I get the book. I knew they had all that stuff, but I was, I just want to wait.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
So, no bonuses for you. You're waiting. And how about you, Beth?
Beth Wade:
Since he's not good about sharing, I got my own copy. Probably, if not the same day, the next day. But I ordered it on Kindle because I like to do my morning readings on Kindle. But my only experience with it is once or twice somebody, we were on Zoom with, read that dayÕs, and I really enjoyed the ones I've heard. Then it was almost a month later, not really, it felt like a month later when I found out, oh, there's this pre-order stuff. And it was like, you know what? My brain doesn't have the bandwidth to figure out what do I have to do. I'm still a bit foggy from the medical stuff I went through earlier this year, so, I'm just going to wait until it comes. Then I'm probably going to start it on the 1st of January just because I'm already in the middle of a couple of readers and I like to keep things separate.
Tony Wade:
Not me. See, I started Bright Line Eating on May 17th on a Friday. I'm just going to get it, bam, and just go. You started on...
Beth Wade:
I started on July 1st, but that's only because that was my Day One because that's when I got the last piece of all my materials before Boot Camp. Here's all the things you need. The last thing I wanted got here June 30th, so that's why my day one is July 1st. Otherwise, it would be whatever that next day was. So, there.
Susan Peirce Thompson:
All right, well, I got to hop intoÉthank you so much, Beth and Tony Wade. Thank you so much. Oh, so sweet, right? So that is it. ON THIS BRIGHT DAY is finally out into the world. It is going to support you and nurture you every single day from here on out. Go get your copy. Get into a physical bookstore, get that copy, go get your bonuses at and be sure to use that hashtag all week long. I'll be looking for you on every social platform there is. #OnThisBrightDay. I'll see you online. Enjoy the book. It's finally here in your hot little hands. Go get your copy. This book is out into the world. Fly, fly, baby. It's out. It's out into the world. I love you. I'll see you next week.
This transcript was exported on Oct 23, 2023 - view latest version here.
10-24-23 - PUBLICATION DAY - ON THIS BRIGHT DAY!... (Completed 10/23/23)
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