Advice for Someone Starting Bright Line Eating

If I had the opportunity to talk to someone who was just starting Bright Line Eating, and I could give them just one piece of advice to guide their entire journey, it would be this: resolve to become a maintenance maestro. 

We have an entire body of work, a full curriculum if you will, available for our Bright Lifers Membership community around how to do maintenance and do it well, how to get into the right mindset and take it seriously. The weight loss phase is great, but the magic of Bright Line Eating lies in transitioning carefully and intentionally to a maintenance plan, and then maintaining that weight loss with the support of our loving community who has walked that path before you. It’s a set of skills, and there’s a lot to it. People return to Bright Line Eating again and again because staying the course in maintenance requires more than just a food plan.

Episode: Advice for Someone Starting Bright Line Eating | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast