Hey there, it's Susan Peirce Thompson, and welcome to The Weekly Vlog.
So there are two things that come to mind when I think about the mission and the vision of the whole Bright Line Eating movement. So the mission of Bright Line Eating is 1 million Bright Transformations by 2030.
And that means that we are on a quest for transforming people's lives, creating the Bright Transformation in people. That physical, mental, emotional, spiritual change that happens when people start eating Bright, they let go of sugar and flour, they start eating meals and not grazing and snacking all day. They start bounding their quantities with a digital food scale, and they get the freedom that comes from that.
They partner up with others in community. They start learning the habits, the morning habit stack, the evening habit stack of a Bright day, and they watch their lives transform. As they put this structure into place, they start shedding their excess weight.
They eventually transition all the way to Maintenance, start adding food, stabilize themselves at Maintenance, and they experience their whole world opening up. All of a sudden, new avenues for exploration and growth and excellence and mastery and flourishing come to the fore because they're not trapped anymore under all that excess weight. They're not stuck in the loop of trying to figure out how to get healthier, how to stop eating food addictively like they've been doing, and they just are transformed. They're set free. It's amazing. The Bright Transformation is incredible.
I've just been traveling a bunch lately and I've met so many people who've had their Bright Transformation and they're so radiant, so grateful, so alive, so well, so happy. It's just the best. So we're creating a million Bright Transformations by 2030, that's our mission.
And then also part of our vision is to change the global narrative around food, towards helping global obesity trend down instead of up, it's still trending up. We want to see it trending down. How will we know when we've helped to change the global narrative? That's less tangible. But here's an example. Kids' birthday parties won't just be pizza and ice cream, right? Kids' menus won't just have processed foods on them. When someone new moves into the neighborhood, people won't bring over sugar- and flour-laden desserts. Because they'll be thinking, "Well, I wouldn't do that because these foods are toxic and poisonous, and this person might be trying to control diabetes or trying to stay healthy from a history of heart disease. Or, why don't we bring over flowers? Why don't we bring over a potted plant? Why don't we bring over a beautiful welcome mat? Because I noticed they don't have a mat out front of their door." They'll bring over something like that, right?
Just like smoking and cigarettes, these things will still be sold, they'll still be legal. They might be regulated a little bit more, with limits on advertisements to protect the most vulnerable amongst us, especially in particular children, but also people who are higher on the food addiction Susceptibility Scale. And these things will still be available, but there will always be alternatives. And the assumption will be, we know people are going to want to eat healthy, whole, real food, and we'll have some desserts and so forth available as well, because some people like to cap off a meal with that, but we need to have alternatives. We'll have a big bowl of fresh fruit for people who aren't ever going to eat that stuff, right? Because it'll be understood that those foods are not part of a healthy life. They're really not.
So when I think about how we approach these aspects of our mission and our vision, conveying science is a big part of it. We teach people the how and the why. Knowing why is so critical. We survey people who come into Bright Line Eating and have their Bright Transformation, and the majority of them say it was the science that brought them in. Learning how their brain works, learning how these foods really affect them changes the game. And it changes the game in two key ways. First of all, a lot of people need to know why before they're going to take action.
Understanding why from a cerebral level, from that perspective, for some people is necessary. If they don't really get it, if they don't really understand the mechanisms in play, they're held up from really trusting, especially big claims of a transformation, especially in a realm where they've tried and failed and tried and failed so many times, especially in a realm where there's so much out there that's bunk, that's bogus, that's just out there to make a buck. That's the equivalent of snake oil. So especially in a realm like this where people are so jaded and rightly so, right? Absolutely skeptical, people need to know why.
And for some people, it's especially important. There are personality types. We all know that, that people are different in lots of different ways. And if you look at the various ways of parsing out personalities, like for example, the Myers-Briggs test. Well, there's this domain or this dimension, T versus F, thinkers versus feelers. Some people are just going to hear a message and feel inspired and take action. Other people are going to be thinking about it, and they're really going to need to know the why in order to be freed up to take action.
If you look at the Enneagram, there's nine typologies. Three of them make decisions from their gut, three of them make decisions from their heart, and the other three make decisions from their mind or their head, right? Again, signaling that to some people, it's really important to know why. Some people are just going to kick the tires. And understanding the cascade of mechanisms is really helpful for people. So that's one of the reasons knowing why is really crucial is that for some people, and I would argue it's a lot of people, Myers-Briggs would say it's roughly half, thinkers and feelers. It's a lot of people who once they know why, they're going to be freed up to get into action. So that's one reason.
What I hear also from people over and over again, is that understanding why, understanding the science behind how certain foods have been blocking them from losing weight, certain foods have been hijacking their brain and resulting in a brain that thinks that they're starving, a brain that can't see that they've had enough calories already, a brain that's going to drive them to keep eating, to satisfy some impossible goal, because the signal which is leptin, that we're full, that we've had enough to eat, is never going to reach the brain when leptin resistance is on board, when leptin is being blocked, and how that creates a brain that is going to drive them to keep eating beyond their willpower, beyond anything they could control, just like they can't stifle their brain's need for oxygen and expect to get away with it. You can't just hold your breath for 20 minutes. It's not going to happen.
And in a similar way, you can't reduce calories and just expect your brain to go, "Okay, no problem. We're starving to death now, that's fine." When your brain really thinks you're in a state of dangerous caloric deprivation, it's not going to let you eat less. And so it will trick you into eating more and make you think you've made the decision to eat more. So when people understand that, it helps to take away some of the shame for why they've been eating against their better judgment, eating more than they know they need all these years, why they've failed at so many plans before and melting that shame has a big impact.
Suddenly they understand, "Oh, I'm not stupid and lazy. I'm not someone who just doesn't love themselves or care enough to follow through. I actually have had a hijacked brain. I actually have had biochemical processes taking over my willpower, taking over my systems of choice and convincing me that it was my own decision."
Once people know that, often a heavy weight of burden can fall from them, and they can be freed up to now decide to take action to undo that process, to heal their brain so that they can be successful, finally. So knowing why has a big impact. It has a really big impact, and we're committed here to sharing science.
I've been shooting a Weekly Vlog every week. I think I've only missed four times in eight years. That's like an average of once every other year I miss a Vlog. I just put this stuff out for fun and for free into the world. And the other thing I've been doing all these years is periodically releasing a video series called the Food Freedom video series. I shot it for the first time in 2015, and up until the present day, up until now, I have never fully redone it. I've shot new intros, I've added a little bit here or there, but I've used the same video film that I first shot in 2015 up until now. And so I'm here to announce that an all-new, brand new, new from the ground, built from scratch Food Freedom video series that was shot just recently in my home with a video team is being released and video one is now available.
Now, these Food Freedom videos have been seen, not these ones, these are new, but the Food Freedom videos have been seen by over a million people in, I believe, every country on planet Earth. We have confirmation by Google Analytics of 190 of the 195-96 countries on planet Earth. Of course, it varies a little bit as borders are redrawn and countries squabble and so forth. But I'm not sure actually if there's 195 or 196 countries right now. And there's a few, like five or six countries that don't participate in Google Analytics, communist countries that they just don't participate. However, I do believe that people have been able to watch the videos there as well. So maybe every country on planet Earth, but I'm talking Svalbard, a little... Svalbard, is that the name of it? Yeah. A little country off the coast of Norway. Antarctica, people stationed, scientists stationed have watched these videos from Antarctica.
All over the world people have watched these videos and they're not always available. These are videos that we only release periodically when the Boot Camp is coming up, and right now video one is available. It's all new, so it's got a new title. This is new content. It's on "The 2 Foods That Block Weight Loss." And you might think you know what those foods are, you probably do, but there's all new science in these videos. It's a whole new flow to the Food Freedom videos, and I invite you to watch them now, there's going to be a link below this video, and if you're watching on some platform where that link isn't available, just go to brightlineeating.com and you can click and watch the video. And videos two and videos three will be released in short order. And then the Boot Camp is going to be described in video four, and the Boot Camp registration is going to be open soon.
Now, if you're listening to this vlog in the future, these videos might not be available, but if you stay tuned, we plan to release them. Our schedule is roughly three times a year. So as long as you're on the email list, as long as you get the email every Wednesday saying, "Hey, The Weekly Vlog is out," you will be on the list to be notified when the videos become available again. And if you are watching this Vlog in real time, then video one is available, and a whole new generation of people are about to be exposed to the science of Bright Line Eating, Bright Living, the science of the Bright Transformation. Afresh from the ground up.
And so right before I shot this Vlog, I closed my eyes, and I remembered that morning on January 26, 2014, in my morning meditation when the universe said, "Write a book called Bright Line Eating." And I felt the prayers of people who were desperate for a solution. The people who felt they had tried everything and did not understand how they could be kind, successful people who'd gotten educations and raised families and were tending to homes and were excelling in their careers and could not stop eating destructively. What was up with that? People who were besieging, besieging the great mysterious forces that might help them for an answer, some sort of solution. And people have watched these videos and gotten their answer because they finally understood why.
So video one is available for you to watch. That's The Weekly Vlog. I love you, and I'll see you next week.