The All-New BLE Boot Camp 2.0

It’s been a while since I gave you a big-picture update on what’s been going on behind the scenes at Bright Line Eating. So, let’s dive in. 

Initially, entry into Bright Line Eating consisted of the Boot Camp course, which was incredibly transformative. Then people would go into Bright Lifers, which didn’t have more content but had a lot of additional coaching and connection opportunities. Additionally, there were a la carte courses available to purchase.

Then in November 2021, we decided to fold it all into one membership and dramatically reduce the price. We were thinking of scale. We wanted to reduce the barrier to entry, improve access, and thereby increase the number of people who would experience the Bright Line Eating transformation. 

We brought in a couple of executives to help us in this endeavor. It turns out there was a significant misalignment of values, though, and one of those executives tried to change our values dramatically and commoditize BLE. 

Through this experience, we realized that we really value the high-touch, boutique way we provide service to our community members. It matters to us that we know our community members. 

We also realized that the new lower price was not working out. People did not flood in the way we expected them to. It turns out cost was not the barrier to entry—the barrier was giving up sugar and flour. 

More important, it wasn’t supporting the success of our members. With the low economic investment, people signed up without getting invested in their journey. They came in mentally unprepared. Also, the new membership experience was too much for people to take in all at once. It was too overwhelming when they came in and had access to everything. 

We realized that having the Boot Camp course as the initial experience served people better. They’d go through it with a cohort of people and get sequestered in their own little world focused on doing the Boot Camp. 

So, after much soul-searching, we’ve decided to bring back the Boot Camp. But this is not the old Boot Camp; we’ve completely rebuilt it—for the first time ever. It’s the all-new Boot Camp 2.0. 

And we’re bringing back the name Boot Camp. No, it’s not a bunch of extreme exercising, and I won’t be yelling and screaming at you—it’s not a Boot Camp in that way. But, like the military sense of Boot Camp, it is a short experience at the beginning of your journey that takes you from the civilian world and introduces you to a new way of living in a very intensive, rigorous, transformative experience.

When you graduate from the Boot Camp, you’ll have the option to join the Membership then and become a Bright Lifer, which will still have the complete Bright Roadmap folded in. 

Plus, we’re introducing a new scholarship program to accompany this course. For the first time ever, we’ll have ten full scholarships available on a need basis. Anyone who truly wants to achieve their Bright Transformation and doesn’t have the financial means can apply for one of these scholarships. The scholarship application for the June 2023 Boot Camp 2.0 course is open May 17–May 24, 2023.

So, what does this mean for the big-picture vision of BLE? For a moment, we were ambitiously aiming for 1 million Bright Transformations by 2025. That’s not our goal. But we’ll still aim for 1 million Bright Transformations, and we’re just pushing that goal back to 2030 as we originally had it. 

Right now, our bigger focus is serving our community in the high-touch way we do and helping those community members successfully realize their Bright Transformations. And Boot Camp 2.0 is going to be incredible!


Episode: The All-New BLE Boot Camp 2.0 | Bright Line Living | The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast