What if You’re Lower on the Susceptibility Scale?

Having issues watching this video? Click here. Over the past year, I’ve had several conversations with people who are 6s and 7s on The Susceptibility Scale™. They wanted to know what I thought the most important lessons would be for them to get “Happy, Thin, and Free™.” I shared my thoughts and, to my delight, they agreed that I had nailed it. I actually think that there are nuggets here that apply to all of us, no matter where we are on The Susceptibility Scale™. Watch the vlog to hear my thoughts. https://foodfreedomquiz.com (TAKE THE QUIZ) FOLLOW SUSAN On Facebook: On Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrSPThompson (Follow @DrSPThompson) FOLLOW BRIGHT LINE EATING™ On Facebook: On Twitter: https://twitter.com/brightlinelife (Follow @BrightLineLife) On YouTube: The post https://brightlineeating.com/2019/01/what-if-youre-lower-on-the-susceptibility-scale/ (What if You’re Lower on the Susceptibility Scale?) appeared first on https://brightlineeating.com (Bright Line Eating®).