A Spanish Proverb

Having issues watching this video? Click here. I recently got to spend some time on Zoom with someone whose work I’ve loved and benefitted from for years. His name is Tal Ben-Shahar, and he’s a Positive Psychology professor and author who I was lucky enough to take a class with more than a decade ago. During our hour together on Zoom, he shared a Spanish proverb with me that completely blew my mind, and I knew I had to pass the message to you. Watch the Vlog to hear it. FOLLOW BRIGHT LINE EATING™ On Instagram: https://instagram.com/brightlineeating/ () https://instagram.com/brightlineeating/ (https://instagram.com/brightlineeating) On Facebook: https://facebook.com/brightlineeating (https://facebook.com/brightlineeating) On Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/brightlineeating (Follow on Pinterest) https://pinterest.com/brightlineeating (https://pinterest.com/brightlineeating) On YouTube: https://youtube.com/brightlineeating (https://youtube.com/brightlineeating) FOLLOW SUSAN On Facebook: https://facebook.com/SusanPeirceThompson (https://facebook.com/SusanPeirceThompson) On Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrSPThompson (Follow @DrSPThompson) https://twitter.com/DrSPThompson (https://twitter.com/DrSPThompson) The post https://brightlineeating.com/2021/02/a-spanish-proverb/ (A Spanish Proverb) appeared first on https://brightlineeating.com (Bright Line Eating®).