
Having issues watching this video? Click here. In this week’s Vlog, I talk about a concept that every single one of us will likely experience at some point in our Bright Line Eating journeys, particularly as we transition to maintenance. Watch to hear my thoughts about interpreting data as you adjust your food plan and how often to weigh yourself as you go through that process. FOLLOW BRIGHT LINE EATING™ On Instagram: https://instagram.com/brightlineeating/ () https://instagram.com/brightlineeating/ (https://instagram.com/brightlineeating) On Facebook: https://facebook.com/brightlineeating (https://facebook.com/brightlineeating) On Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/brightlineeating (Follow on Pinterest) https://pinterest.com/brightlineeating (https://pinterest.com/brightlineeating) On YouTube: https://youtube.com/brightlineeating (https://youtube.com/brightlineeating) FOLLOW SUSAN On Facebook: https://facebook.com/SusanPeirceThompson (https://facebook.com/SusanPeirceThompson) On Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrSPThompson (Follow @DrSPThompson) https://twitter.com/DrSPThompson (https://twitter.com/DrSPThompson) The post https://brightlineeating.com/2021/05/tampering/ (Tampering) appeared first on https://brightlineeating.com (Bright Line Eating®).