Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Recovery

Have you struggled with weight, dieting, or body image in the past? If so… Your Brain May Be Blocking You From Losing Weight. How susceptible are you? Take the Food Freedom Quiz Now! Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Recovery July 21, 2021 by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. Most people come into Bright Line Eating for physical recovery—in other words, weight loss and everything that goes along with it. But in this week’s Vlog, I talk about the other realms of recovery that exist for us to pursue along our journeys. Podcast Audio (PrevPreviousCan Food Actually Be Addictive?) (NextYou Can Eat Two Meals a Day on Bright Line EatingNext) Follow Bright Line Eating® Facebook Page @brightlineeating Facebook Group @brightlineeatingOFFICIAL YouTube @brightlineeating TikTok @brightlineeating Instagram @brightlineeating Pinterest @brightlineeating