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You Can Eat Two Meals a Day on Bright Line Eating
July 28, 2021
Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D.
I recently had a coworker staying with me while we did some big-picture Bright Line Eating thinking. She follows the BLE food plan and finds that it works best for her to only eat two meals a day, so I had the opportunity to experience eating twice a day with her. Watch this week’s Vlog to hear how it went.
Podcast Audio
https://brightlineeating.com/2021/07/mental-emotional-and-spiritual-recovery/ (PrevPreviousMental, Emotional, and Spiritual Recovery)
https://brightlineeating.com/2021/08/everett-does-a-witnessed-parts-work-session-on-susan/ (NextEverett Does a “Witnessed Parts Work Session” on SusanNext)
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