Everett Does a “Witnessed Parts Work Session” on Susan

Have you struggled with weight, dieting, or body image in the past? If so… Your Brain May Be Blocking You From Losing Weight. How susceptible are you? Take the Food Freedom Quiz Now! Everett Does a “Witnessed Parts Work Session” on Susan August 4, 2021 by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. Last night, I co-hosted a workshop with Everett Considine on Parts Work (Internal Family Systems). I explained what Parts Work is, we talked about it in the context of BLE, and Everett discussed the various forms of resistance that people can have. We also demonstrated the process as Everett guided me through a Witnessed Parts Work Session. It was pretty vulnerable for me, and I had a lot of anxiety leading up to the experience. Watch this week’s Vlog to hear all about it. WATCH THE WORKSHOP REPLAY Podcast Audio https://brightlineeating.com/2021/07/you-can-eat-two-meals-a-day-on-bright-line-eating/ (PrevPreviousYou Can Eat Two Meals a Day on Bright Line Eating) https://brightlineeating.com/2021/08/anniversary-week/ (NextAnniversary WeekNext) Follow Bright Line Eating® Facebook Page @brightlineeating Facebook Group @brightlineeatingOFFICIAL YouTube @brightlineeating TikTok @brightlineeating Instagram @brightlineeating Pinterest @brightlineeating