Perfectionism vs. Optimalism

Have you struggled with weight, dieting, or body image in the past? If so… Your Brain May Be Blocking You From Losing Weight. How susceptible are you? Take the Food Freedom Quiz Now! Perfectionism vs. Optimalism August 25, 2021 by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. A few days ago, I was on the Bright Lifers’ Accountability Call, and I coached a woman I hadn’t heard from in years whom I’d helped many times in the past. The last time I’d talked with her, she was really struggling, so I was delighted to hear that she was in her Bright Body now and maintaining her weight pretty effortlessly. But then she shared that she is still profoundly confused about her food and about what to eat. Watch the Vlog to hear how I walked her through her challenge. Podcast Audio (PrevPreviousHarsh Criticisms of Bright Line Eating (and How They’re Scientifically Unfounded)) (NextDoing Bright Line Eating with ADHDNext) Follow Bright Line Eating® Facebook Page @brightlineeating Facebook Group @brightlineeatingOFFICIAL YouTube @brightlineeating TikTok @brightlineeating Instagram @brightlineeating Pinterest @brightlineeating